Georgia Construction Stormwater Permits | ComplianceGO
Georgia Construction Stormwater Permits
Georgia has 3 separate Construction Stormwater Permits, all dated May 2018.
Construction Permit for Infrastructure Construction Projects
Construction Permit for Common Development Construction Projects
Permit Requirements:
Stand Alone Construction Projects –
Disturb 1 or more acre of land
Mixed discharge with Industrial Activity IF
Activity is only in support of the construction project
NOT REQUIRED FOR Minor Activities:
Home Gardens, Landscaping, Repairs, Fences, etc.
Infrastructure Construction Projects –
Disturb 1 or more acre of contiguous land
Mixed discharge with Industrial Activity IF
Activity is only in support of the construction project
Routine Maintenance / Barrier or Guard Rail Installation / Railroad Maintenance / Install Buried Utility Lines
Maintains original line and grade
No mass grading, stabilized each day, duration of 120 days or less
Common Plan of Development Construction Projects –
Disturb 1 or more acre of land AND
Developer/Permittee chooses to sub-divide area and use secondary and/or tertiary permittees for each area
Subdivided areas may be greater or less than 1 acre of land.
Mixed discharge with Industrial Activity IF
Activity is only in support of the construction project
Filing the NOI Permit:
The process for filing the NOI permit is complicated, but the Georgia Environmental Protection Department (EPD) has created a comprehensive instructions guide. Your best bet is to download and follow the guide.
Here’s what you’ll want to gather in advance –
Types of potential discharges from your site
MS4 information
Dewatering Information
Receiving waters
Your Erosion, Sediment, and Pollution Control (ESPC) Plan
A location map (this can be from Google Earth or another system)
The NOI Permit must be signed by a “Responsible Authority” – meaning a
Responsible corporate officer
General partner or proprietor
Principle executive officer/ Elected official
Designated authority with authorization letter
You’ll also need to pay the NOI Permit fees of $80 per acre.
Plan Requirements:
An Erosion, Sediment, and Pollution Control (ESPC) Plan is required for all construction projects. The ESPC Plan must be prepared by someone who has completed the Georgia Soil and Water Conservation Commission (GSWCC) Level II Erosion and Sediment Control certification course.
An ESPC Plan template can be found online here.
The ESPC Plan must include the following sections:
ESPC Plan Checklist – found here.
Site Description –
Nature of Construction
Sequence of Construction
Schedule of Major Activities
Disturbed and Total Acreage
Soil types and Discharge quality
Discharge Areas or Points
Erosion and Sediment Controls
Stormwater Management Controls
Other Controls (Housekeeping)
Initial Sediment Storage and Perimeter Controls
Intermediate Grading and Drainage BMPs
Final BMPs
Daily Site Checks
Rainfall Monitoring
Scheduled Inspections by Certified Personnel
Describe schedule and activities to maintain BMPs
Sampling Requirements
Map of sampling points
Narrative of methods
Samples from receiving waters and/or outfalls
After 1st 0.5″ rain event
90 days after 1st sample (or after grading complete, whichever comes first)
Anytime BMPs fail
Written justification if not possible
Non-Stormwater Discharges
List of all potential allowed non-stormwater discharges
The following certification is required on all ESPC plans (with the permit’s respective number):
“I certify that the permittee’s Erosion, Sedimentation and Pollution Control Plan provides for an appropriate and comprehensive system of best management practices required by the Georgia Water Quality Control Act and the document “Manual for Erosion and Sediment Control in Georgia” (Manual) published by the Georgia Soil and Water Conservation Commission as of January 1 of the year in which the land-disturbing activity was permitted, provides for the sampling of the receiving water(s) or the sampling of the stormwater outfalls and that the designed system of best management practices and sampling methods is expected to meet the requirements contained in the General NPDES Permit No. GAR100001.”
Special Requirements for Projects within 1 mile of Impaired Waters:
If your construction project will disturb land within 1 mile of an impaired waterbody you must implement at least 4 of the following controls in addition to the normal requirements:
50 ft buffer required (instead of 25 ft)
Temporary sediment basin capacity increased to 3600 cubic ft
Baffles in temporary sediment basins and double outflow path length
4ft x 8ft sign
Flocculants or Coagulants and/or Mulch used for stabilization of all areas left disturbed for 7 days or more
Turbidity Sampling after every rain event of 0.5” or more
Comply with end-of-pipe turbidity effluent limits
Reduce total disturbance to <50% impervious surfaces
Limit disturbed areas to 25 acres or 50% total acreage at any given time (whichever is less)
Use “Dirt II” techniques to model and manage runoff
Add soil amendments to improve soil carbon levels
Use mulch filter berms in addition to silt fence on perimeters
Use slope stabilization instead of concrete in all ditches and drainages
Use flocculants or coagulants passive dosing in all ditches and drainages (into temporary sediment basins)
Install sod instead of seed after final grading
Conduct soil tests for site-specific fertilizers
Inspections increased to twice every 7 days and rain events
Use compost blankets until vegetation is established
Use documented superior BMPs (as certified by a Design Professional)
Limit total planned site disturbance to less than 15% impervious surfaces
Design Professional inspects during intermediate and final phases
Install post-construction BMPs which remove 80% TSS
You can find a map of impaired waters here.
Construction Start Requirements:
ESPC Plan must be prepared prior to filing the NOI
The NOI Permit application must be completed at least 14 days prior to the construction start date
The ESPC Plan must be implemented on or before the day construction activities begin
Inspector Requirements:
All inspections must be performed by “Certified Personnel”.
As defined by the Permit:
“Certified Personnel” means a person who has successfully completed the appropriate certification course approved by the Georgia Soil and Water Conservation Commission.
As defined by the GSWCC:
“Certified Personnel” or “Certified Person” means any person who has attended the Conservation Commission’s “Fundamentals Seminar” (Level 1A) and holds a certificate of successful completion of the training requirements stated in 600-8-1-.04 (2)(a) from the Conservation Commission in the area of inspection of best management practices (BMPs) on construction sites. BMPs are vegetative and structural measures to control and prevent erosion.
“Certified Inspector” means any person who has attended the Conservation Commission’s “Advanced Fundamentals Seminar” (Level 1B) and holds a certificate of successful completion of the training requirements stated in 600-8-1-.04 (2)(b) from the Conservation Commission to inspect land-disturbed areas for compliance with the state laws.
Inspection Requirements:
Stand Alone Construction Projects –
Daily Site Inspections
All areas where petroleum products are used or stored
All areas where vehicles enter or exit the site
Record Rainfall
Once every 24 hours except on non-working weekends and holidays
Until final stabilization
Once every 7 days AND
Within 24 hours of 0.5″ of precipitation
if on non-working weekend or holiday, by the end of the next working day
All areas where final stabilization or established annual vegetation has occured
Plan Amendments
Based on inspection results, within 7 days of any changes on site
Infrastructure Construction Projects –
Same Requirements As Standalone – Except Weekly
Once every 14 days AND
Within 24 hours of 0.5″ precipitation
if on non-working weekend or holiday, by the end of the next working day
Common Plan of Development Construction Projects –
Primary Permittee
Same as Stand Alone Projects
Secondary Permittee
Same as Stand Alone Projects AND
Daily by Utility companies/contractors for any areas disturbed by them
Must notify Primary Permittee within 24-hours of any design deficiencies and Primary must evaluate within 48-hours
Tertiary Permittee
Same as Stand Alone Projects
Inspection Report Requirements:
No specific form is prescribed for inspection reports.
Inspection reports must include the following:
Names of Certified Inspectors
Dates of each Inspection
Construction Phase
Major observations regarding the implementation of the ESPC plan
Actions taken
Description of all incidents of BMPs not properly installed or maintained
If there are no issues on the site, include a certification that all BMPs are in compliance with the ESPC Plan
The inspection report must be made available by the end of the 2nd business day after the inspection and it must include the following certification:
“I certify under penalty of law that this report and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that certified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations.”
Stabilization and Termination:
Final stabilization is considered to have been achieved when
All soil-disturbing activities have been completed AND
Vegetation is in place covering 70% density for all unpaved areas or areas not covered by permanent structures OR
The site has been landscaped according to the plan OR
Equivalent permanent stabilization measures have been put into place
You are eligible to submit a Notice of Termination (NOT) when:
The entire area has undergone final stabilization
All construction activities have permanently ceased
All temporary controls have been removed
Changes of Owner/Operator may be submitted. It is the permittee’s responsibility to inform the new Owner/Operator of the requirements of the permit.
The NOT is submitted online where you filed the NOI
The NOT must be signed by a responsible authority (same as NOI)
A copy of the NOT must be submitted to the local issuing authority
This is a quick summary of the Construction Stormwater requirements in Georgia. To be sure you are meeting ALL the requirements and to lower your risk of audits, fines, stop-work orders, or jail time, you should thoroughly familiarize yourself with the appropriate permit for your project (linked above).
ComplianceGO offers the best software solution for managing your stormwater requirements on construction projects. Visit www.compliancego.com to learn more about how you can save time and money while increasing compliance on your site.