Affordable Tools for Phase 2 MS4 Stormwater Inspections

Affordable Tools for Phase 2 MS4 Stormwater Inspections Phase 2 Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s) face significant challenges in stormwater management due to limited funding and resources. Traditional Geographic Information System (GIS) software, while powerful, is often too expensive and complex for many municipalities.  Fortunately, there are affordable and accessible alternatives that can streamline […]

3 Reason Why MS4s Choose ComplianceGO for Stormwater Inspections

3 Reasons Why MS4s Choose ComplianceGO for Stormwater Inspections Managing stormwater inspections and documentation has always been a challenge for Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s) and the private sector. Before ComplianceGO, these processes were scattered across different platforms, leading to confusion, wasted time, and instances of non-compliance.  ComplianceGO has revolutionized this landscape by providing

3 Reasons Why MS4s Choose ComplianceGO for Stormwater Inspections | ComplianceGORead More »

Essential MS4 Stormwater Permit Training Guidelines for Construction Compliance

Essential MS4 Stormwater Permit Training Guidelines for Construction Compliance Managing stormwater runoff in construction is crucial for environmental protection. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulates this through Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permits, which set guidelines to prevent water pollution from construction activities.  Understanding and implementing this Minimum Control Measures (MCM )that is required

Essential MS4 Stormwater Permit Training Guidelines for Construction Compliance | ComplianceGORead More »

10 Proactive Stormwater Compliance Strategies for Construction Projects

10 Proactive Stormwater Compliance Strategies for Construction Projects Ensuring stormwater compliance is essential for construction projects to protect water quality and comply with regulations.  This blog outlines proactive strategies to help construction professionals manage stormwater runoff effectively and prevent environmental damage.  From obtaining necessary permits (NOIs) to developing and maintaining a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan

10 Proactive Stormwater Compliance Strategies for Construction Projects | ComplianceGORead More »

New Rain Event Rules for California’s Stormwater CGP

New Rain Event Rules for California’s Stormwater CGP California has taken a significant step forward in environmental protection with its latest update to the Stormwater Construction General Permit (CGP). This move underscores the state’s dedication to safeguarding water quality and promoting sustainable construction practices amidst evolving environmental challenges.  This blog outlines the pivotal updates to

New Updates for California’s Stormwater CGP | ComplianceGORead More »

Exploring Diverse Funding Sources for MS4 Stormwater Programs

Exploring Diverse Funding Sources for MS4 Stormwater Programs Municipalities face a significant task in managing stormwater, particularly under the regulations for Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s). Funding these crucial programs is a complex puzzle that involves a variety of sources, each playing a vital role in maintaining and enhancing stormwater management. In this blog,

Stormwater Program Funding in MS4 Municipalities | ComplianceGORead More »

Essential Steps for Builders to Prevent Stormwater Permit Penalties

Essential Steps for Builders to Prevent Stormwater Permit Penalties For builders and construction professionals, navigating the complexities of stormwater permits is a critical aspect of project management. This blog serves as a guide to help you understand and implement key strategies to stay compliant with stormwater regulations, thereby avoiding costly fines and potential consent decree

Prevent Stormwater Permit Penalties | ComplianceGORead More »

Why Care About Stormwater Pollution?

Stormwater pollution is a critical environmental issue that impacts water quality, public health, the environment, and the economy. From the runoff on our streets to the chemicals and pollutants entering our waterways, the consequences are far-reaching. But there’s hope—individuals and businesses alike have the power to make a positive impact.

Impact of Stormwater Pollution in the US

Exploring the Broad Impact of Polluted Stormwater on U.S. Waters Stormwater pollution in the United States is a critical environmental challenge with far-reaching impacts. This blog unravels how contaminated runoff from urban and rural areas significantly affects aquatic ecosystems, public health, and the economy. We delve into the ways pollutants like heavy metals and chemicals

Impact of Stormwater Pollution in the US | ComplianceGORead More »


Securing Local Government Support for MS4 Stormwater Initiatives Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s) face a critical challenge: securing necessary funding and support from local governments. This blog delves into effective strategies for MS4s to navigate this complex terrain. We’ll explore how educating local officials, developing comprehensive plans, and fostering community partnerships can pave the

Funding Strategies for MS4 Stormwater Projects | ComplianceGORead More »