inspection tool

Critical SWPPP Map Updates – What do you update?

February 17, 20252 min read

The SWPPP Map is a critical inspection tool to make sure that BMPs are in place and inspections are covering all the appropriate areas of concern. To ensure the SWPPP map proves as useful as it can be, it needs to be constantly updated to match the conditions on site.

Here are a few things inspectors should be updating during each inspection to help keep the site in compliance.

The first thing to make sure you are updating is sediment and erosion control BMPs. Every BMP, from your perimeter controls to your inlet protection to your track-out controls, needs to be represented on the map.

But remember, as you’re putting them on the map, be specific! If you’re using a silt fence for your perimeter control, label it as “silt fence”. 

On successive inspections, if a control changes indicate that on the map and document the date the change was made. For example, if you switch from using a gutter guard to drop inlet protection, indicate so on the map and label when it was changed. 

Then, consider what other pollutants will be on your site and what BMPs you will be using to keep them from escaping. Will you be storing fuel on site? Paint, stucco, mortar, or concrete mix? Where are your portable toilets?

Mark the areas where pollutants will be stored or disposed of and the containment measures put in place to keep them from escaping. If you move anything, keep a record of what you had in place in the previous location, then indicate the new location and when the change was made.

As areas on your site are disturbed, your SWPPP map should be updated to show the status of different parts of your site.

When making these updates to the map, it becomes much easier to ensure the proper BMPs are in place to protect from sediment and erosion. It also helps ensure areas where stabilization efforts have been implemented can be monitored to make sure the revegetation progresses well.

If the map can be kept up to date with these critical items, it will streamline the inspection process and aid in all compliance efforts.

By: Charley Beesley

ComplianceGo is a powerful software solution designed to simplify stormwater management, streamline inspections, and ensure compliance for consultants, contractors, developers, and MS4s.


ComplianceGo is a powerful software solution designed to simplify stormwater management, streamline inspections, and ensure compliance for consultants, contractors, developers, and MS4s.

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