Key Consideration for MS4s Trying to Comply with the Construction Site Runoff Control Minimum Control Measure
Phase I and Phase II MS4 Stormwater Permits require regular ongoing inspections and monitoring within the construction site runoff control minimum control measure. Municipalities (MS4s) often find themselves scrambling to achieve the minimum standard to accomplish these inspections, which is often monthly but in some cases may be more frequent due to high priority standards. Most MS4s have been so busy trying to achieve this minimum standard that they fail to consider or calculate how much time they are spending with their current process to locate and access construction site SWPPP documents, review these documents, communicate with on site personnel following an inspection, and the follow-up required from any outstanding corrective action items prescribed by the MS4. This key consideration for MS4s must be addressed and solved in order to accomplish the requirements of MS4 stormwater permits and to ultimately achieve its compliance objectives.
Fortunately, today’s technology provides a way to drastically reduce the amount of time MS4 inspectors spend locating and accessing SWPPP documents, reviewing these documents, communicating with on site personnel following an inspection, and the follow-up required from any outstanding corrective action items prescribed by the MS4. Goodbye mailboxes, lockboxes, and 3 ring binders that might be in someone’s truck or a locked model home or construction trailer! This cat and mouse game has to cease in order for everyone to stop having their time wasted.
So, where are the documents and inspection logs kept? On site? How do I access them easier? MS4s are starting to require that permittee documents are submitted electronically and maintained digitally on the cloud for access. This includes all inspections, logs, map updating, and more. It also not only allows the permittees an easier method to keep track of all the documentation that stormwater regulations require, but it also solves the key consideration facing every MS4 that is serious about complying with their MS4 permit. MS4s can now utilize and require a technology solution that will solve this issue for both sides!
Learn more about what ComplianceGo can do for you here.