What is an Illicit Discharge? The Importance of Training and Education about Illicit Dishcarges What Is an Illicit Discharge? Illicit discharges are any discharges into a storm drain system that are not from stormwater and are polluted. Illicit discharges can carry pollutants into nearby water bodies. Cities and counties that hold stormwater permits are required […]
Month: June 2018
How to Avoid EPA Fines and Penalties You can’t manage what you can’t see. Poorly Managed Environmental Inspections, Action Items, Documents, and Maps = HEAVY FINES & PENALTIES Where are your Stormwater or SPCC Plan inspections? Do you have instant access to them so that you can see if they are even being done? Do
How to Avoid EPA Fines and Penalties | ComplianceGORead More »
A Typical SWPPP Life Cycle Please Note**- This is a typical SWPPP Life Cycle for the city of Spanish Fork, Utah. While most of the information is probably similar, requirements may vary by MS4 and/or State!
Where Does Stormwater Go? Here are some facts I want you to think about; The water you drink is affected by stormwater! Stormwater comes from all forms and types of precipitation. Stormwater that does not soak into the ground becomes surface runoff. Runoff becomes polluted as it runs along roads and gutters, parking lots, roofs, lawns, and