Essential MS4 Stormwater Permit Training Guidelines for Construction Compliance

Essential MS4 Stormwater Permit Training Guidelines for Construction Compliance Managing stormwater runoff in construction is crucial for environmental protection. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulates this through Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permits, which set guidelines to prevent water pollution from construction activities.  Understanding and implementing this Minimum Control Measures (MCM )that is required […]

10 Proactive Stormwater Compliance Strategies for Construction Projects

10 Proactive Stormwater Compliance Strategies for Construction Projects Ensuring stormwater compliance is essential for construction projects to protect water quality and comply with regulations.  This blog outlines proactive strategies to help construction professionals manage stormwater runoff effectively and prevent environmental damage.  From obtaining necessary permits (NOIs) to developing and maintaining a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan

10 Proactive Stormwater Compliance Strategies for Construction Projects | ComplianceGORead More »

New Rain Event Rules for California’s Stormwater CGP

New Rain Event Rules for California’s Stormwater CGP California has taken a significant step forward in environmental protection with its latest update to the Stormwater Construction General Permit (CGP). This move underscores the state’s dedication to safeguarding water quality and promoting sustainable construction practices amidst evolving environmental challenges.  This blog outlines the pivotal updates to

New Updates for California’s Stormwater CGP | ComplianceGORead More »

How can you manage a SWPPP properly if it’s not on the cloud? As Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans become the norm in our construction and industrial communities, proper management of these federally required documents becomes paramount in our industry. These plans contain records of the self-monitoring activity of the stakeholders involved in a project in

How can you manage a SWPPP properly if it’s not on the cloud? | ComplianceGORead More »

female stormwater inspector

Words From a Female Stormwater Inspector In honor of Women’s History Month, I wanted to learn about the experiences of women in the stormwater industry, so I interviewed a female inspector at a stormwater inspection consulting company in Utah. I was interested in exploring her personal story to see if it reflected statistics I had

Words From a Female Stormwater Inspector | ComplianceGORead More »

SWPPP Map – Does it Reflect Current Site Conditions? Carrying on with our theme of SWPPP maps and their importance, let’s talk about the most important question to ask yourself each time you look at the SWPPP map. Does it reflect current site conditions? If the answer to this question is no, you aren’t using

SWPPP Map – Does it Reflect Current Site Conditions? | ComplianceGORead More »

woman construction worker

Women in Construction: Challenges and Improvements Have you ever wondered why there are so few women in the construction industry? There are a few blaring issues that keep women away from the job site though they are just as capable of excelling at those jobs. Construction may be behind in some ways regarding women in

Women in Construction: Challenges and Improvements | ComplianceGORead More »

South Carolina NPDES Construction General Permit Requirements The South Carolina Construction General Permit (CGP) went into effect on January 1st, 2013, and was set to expire on December 31st, 2017. However, a new permit has not yet been signed into effect, so the 2013 permit continues in effect until a new one is signed. A

South Carolina NPDES Construction General Permit Requirements | ComplianceGORead More »