SWPPP Map – Does it Reflect Current Site Conditions? | ComplianceGO

SWPPP Map – Does it Reflect Current Site Conditions?

Carrying on with our theme of SWPPP maps and their importance, let’s talk about the most important question to ask yourself each time you look at the SWPPP map. Does it reflect current site conditions? If the answer to this question is no, you aren’t using the SWPPP map correctly. The map is designed to be a living document just as the SWPPP does and it should always reflect the current site conditions.

So why does it matter if the SWPPP map is up to date and reflects the current conditions? For starters, it helps inspectors and regulators find each BMP as well as identify where gaps may be that would allow pollutants to escape. The bird’s eye view of the site that an up-to-date map will provide allows the inspector to assess if there are any deficiencies in the BMP arrangement. Additionally, the inspector has a reference tool to make sure all BMPs are inspected each time.

How do you keep the SWPPP map up to date? The easiest and surest way is to make sure it is updated every time a change is made. If a BMP is changed, moved, or removed on site, that change needs to be reflected both in the SWPPP and on the SWPPP map. If your project has phasing, make sure as each phase is entered or closed out, that the SWPPP map or maps for those areas represent these changes. Then, as a catch-all, each inspection the inspector should make changes to the map to match the current conditions.

By ensuring the SWPPP map always reflects the current conditions on site, you streamline your inspection process, reducing the time your inspectors spend on each inspection. Additionally, you lay the foundation for increased compliance, which helps protect you from potential fines and shutdowns. And of course, the regulations and all we do to follow them helps protect water bodies from the discharge of pollutants. Having the SWPPP map up to date helps close the gaps through which these pollutants will escape. 

By: Charley Beesley