Why is the Clean Water Act Important? Construction Contractors have to follow stormwater regulations that come from the United States Clean Water Act. One of the purposes of the Clean Water Act is to make the waters of the United States fishable and swimmable. Another purpose of the Clean Water Act is to protect sources […]
Tag: EPA
What is Stormwater Inspections Management Software? If you’re interested in stormwater inspections management software but don’t know what it’s for, this article is for you. Stormwater Inspections are Necessary The EPA’s National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) program imposes and regulates a Construction General Permit (CGP) for construction activities that disturb 1 acre or greater
What is Stormwater Inspections Management Software? | ComplianceGORead More »
Rain After a Drought can be Dangerous… Watch Out! Since droughts and wildfires plague the western half of our country, flooding seems to be the least of our worries. A large, interstate rainstorm sounds like the perfect remedy for our domestic and wild ecosystems. However, if we are unprepared, a storm could lead to flooding,
Rain After a Drought can be Dangerous | ComplianceGORead More »
Understanding Industrial Stormwater Requirements The Multi-Sector General Permit (MSGP) All industrial facilities in the United States must apply for and obtain coverage under the EPA or a state-regulated MSGP in order to be able to discharge stormwater regulated by the permit. Allowable stormwater discharges differ by sector but are specified in the MSGP. In this
Understanding Industrial Stormwater Requirements | ComplianceGORead More »
Stormwater vs Storm Water Is it one word? Two words? Hyphenated? If your job involves any type of clean water regulation, you have probably come across this conundrum. What is the correct way to spell stormwater? Or is it storm water? I am writing this article in Google Docs. When I write storm water as
The Final Point As the client manager at StormwaterGO, I spend a lot of time talking with MS4’s about the EPA, permit regulations, and training methods in regards to their Stormwater programs. Most MS4 Stormwater Managers I have talked to have three main questions: How do we stay in compliance with the permit? How do we
What is a SWPPP and Why do I Need One? “I’ve been doing this for 40 years and I’ve never had to have a SWPPP before. Why do I need one now?” People ask me this question a lot. In fact, people ask me this question way too often. It’s time we put the subject
What is a SWPPP and Why do I Need One? | ComplianceGORead More »