Improper Chemical Handling Can Lead to Environmental Damage Environmental damage is completely avoidable with the right planning and tools. We will discuss chemical treatments as a needed erosion control BMP and what resources to consult when using them. Chemical Treatments Treatment chemicals should only be used if conventional BMPs are ineffective to protect against erosion. […]
Tag: BMP
What You Need to Know Before You Begin Construction Develop Your SWPPP First, File for Your Permit Second When you begin construction, you’ll need a permit before you break ground. With the SWPPP, you can file your Notice of Intent or NOI, which is your permit. Your permit allows you to discharge stormwater from your
What You Need to Know Before You Begin Construction | ComplianceGORead More »
How Water Affects Your SWPPP Impaired Waters When there are impaired waters on or near your site, check your permit to see if you may have additional considerations or requirements when protecting these waters. When looking at the regulations, make sure you pay attention to what type of pollutants are present, because sometimes the pollutants
Excavation and Earthwork Safety Considerations for SWPPP Compliance The construction stormwater permit requires the developer or contractor to ensure two things. First, that subcontractors or other outside service providers understand and follow the requirements found in the construction permit and the site’s SWPPP. And second, that the subcontractor follows the stormwater requirements. The municipality is
What Does Stormwater-Specific Inspections Software Offer that General Inspections Software Cannot? It’s all about specialization. Our stormwater industry is a highly specialized, unique and niche business, full of acronyms like NPDES, SWPPP, CGP, SPCC, BMP, RECP, SWMP, NOI, and NOT that are unmatched in numbers by most other professional fields. And that’s not even mentioning
Inspect What You Expect By: Mike Chase – CPESC, CPSWQ, CESSWI, CPISM “Inspect What You Expect” is kind of a catchy phrase. It was a directive that was given to all of the managers at a company I worked for years ago by industry professional John Lake. This phrase has always stuck with me, and
Critical SWPPP Map Updates – What do you update? The SWPPP Map is a critical inspection tool to make sure that BMPs are in place and inspections are covering all the appropriate areas of concern. To ensure the SWPPP map proves as useful as it can be, it needs to be constantly updated to match
Critical SWPPP Map Updates – What do you update? | ComplianceGORead More »
Does your Construction Project Pass the Stormwater “Eyeball Test”? No construction company wants to receive a fine or stop work order because their site is out of compliance. Often, additional scrutiny on construction sites comes because of what a passing citizen or regulatory official sees. By making sure your project passes the “eyeball test” of
Does your Construction Project Pass the Stormwater “Eyeball Test”? | ComplianceGORead More »